Virtual Parish Council meetings

Melanie Chammings, Parish Council Clerk 

You will know that Barley Parish Council (BPC) cancelled its monthly meetings in April and May due to the Covid crisis. Clearly the recovery period will be longer than any of us imaged so BPC has decided to go 'virtual'.


The first virtual meeting will be held, via Zoom, on Monday 1st June at 7pm. This will be the Annual General Meeting, at which the Chair and Vice Chair will elected for the coming year. It will also be necessary to sign off the Annual Governance and Financial Assessment for external audit.


There may be additional items for the agenda which I will publish as usual closer to the meeting date.


If you wish to attend you will need to have access to Zoom, and I will send you the joining link if you email me at


This will be a new way of delivering our public meetings, probably for a few months to come so if you decide to join us in June, there may be a few teething problems so please be patient.