There are a number of charities based in Barley.
Alaric Fund
The Alaric Fund enables all members of the community to support the maintenance of the fabric of the Church through a quarterly draw.
Contact -
Secretary, Carolyn Eastman
Telephone: 01763 848850
Email: c-eastman@sky.com
Contact -
Secretary, Carolyn Eastman
Telephone: 01763 848850
Email: c-eastman@sky.com
Friends of Barley and Barkway School (FOBBS)
FOBBs raises money in a variety of ways in order to support the school. You can contact them directly via the Barley School website.
Khandel Light
This local charity, founded by Dr Gough, raises money to support health workers in and around the Indian village. The charity hold a number of fundraising events in and around the village. You can find out more via the Khandel Light website.
Parish charities
Parish charities
There are a number of Parish Charities, mainly endowments of some antiquity, called "Poors Land and Others" (Charity no: 209567). These charities make donations to those living in the village who may be in need of financial help which is unavailable elsewhere.
The Trustees are:
Chris Allan
Reg Cording
Rev. Ruth Pyke
Sharon Slater
Andrew Simms
Doris Wilkerson
Geoffrey Wilkerson
Contact -
Lynn Brett
Telephone: 07904 414236.
Royal British Legion - Barley, Barkway and District
Contact -
Tony West
Telephone: 01763 848758
Email: westcroft@btinternet.com
If you would like to add a club, society, news story, event or anything else to the website, please contact Clare Edwards on thebarleywebsite@gmail.com.