The club has been in existence for a number of years and was formed following the tremendous response given by the public to an exhibition organized by the Royston Community Association early in 1987. Originally we met at the Community Centre in Royston prior to moving to the Town House Barley in late 1987.
The club normally meets every Fridays upstairs in the Town House from 8.00 to 10.30pm. Please check with the Secretary before coming along as The Town House is sometimes used for other functions.
The club and members are involved in the building of model railway layouts in all the major scales for their own enjoyment and have exhibited their layouts at Model Railway Exhibitions all over the South East & East Anglia over the last ten years or so. We also organize an annual exhibition to promote the hobby in November at Bassingbourne Village College.
Whether you are an experienced modeller, just starting in the hobby or returning to the hobby after a period of absence all are welcome to the club. Come along and give us a look over. No obligation to join the club. If you want further information or confirmation the we are meeting on a Friday please contact Tony Clarke or Barry Clements or visit the model railway website.
If you would like to add a club, society, news story, event or anything else to the website, please contact Clare Edwards on thebarleywebsite@gmail.com.